April 30, 2008

Tantalizing Tuesday

A tried and true recipe that I'm asked to bring to every family dinner because who besides my man can say no to cheese and creamy mayo combined?

Simple Broccoli Salad

What you need:
2 broccoli heads cut into bite size pieces
3/4 cup mayo (fat-free works just fine)
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp white vinegar
1 cup grated cheese
Optional: chopped onion, bacon bits

What you do:
1. Whisk together the mayo, sugar and vinegar until it's smooth.
2. Stir in cheese and optional bits.
3. Add chopped broccoli - am I the only one who can't say those two words together without hearing Dana Carvey singing "Choppin broccoli"?
4. Let sit for a few hours or overnight. If you're in a rush then go ahead and gobble it up but it's better once it has had a chance to rest.

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