August 14, 2012

Belly Chronicles the Second Round

I am certainly not winning an award for keeping up with Belly updates this round.  I was told by a zillion people to be careful what I did with the Rockstar (for memory sake) because I wouldn't do it with number two.  This was advice I mostly listened to and now I'm glad I did because I just don't have the time or energy this round to fill with nesting/memento creating. 

I promise to provide some recent belly chronicle shots but here are a few from the first 20 weeks.

 Straight out of the shower so excuse the nasty looking mop.


20 weeks along at the beach with Bounce and Mr Magoo!  I figure now is the time to wear a bikini because god knows if I ever will again.  Hehe!

1 comment:

Kimber said...

Hello Zebra girl. Lurrrrve the bikini shot! How come we never got to see it at Bruce Beach? Chicken!

I hate how people are right about how we don't do the same stuff for our second kid as we did for our first. I can only hope Dylan is the kind of kid who really doesn't give a crap.

Looking good!