One beautiful day in the who-knows-how-long-from-now future I will be a mommy AND one day I will cut up my babies clothes (as they grow out of them). Why in the world will I cut them? To create a
baby clothes quilt like Hillary Lang from
Wee Wonderfuls has done.
I love how she cut pieces with details like ruffles, pockets and buttons!

Maybe I'll make two: one for Mike and I to curl up with our peanut on cold winter nights and one to be tucked away for a gift for my future grown-up baby.
Such a great idea. I can't imagine a more special treasure for a child to have and keep forever. :)
Well, except for maybe a pony.
No ponies.
Lovely, lovely idea Jaime. Dwain's aunties make quilts; I wonder if I can coax them to make one for Jady?
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