I'm so full I might just float away.
One delicious dinner down and one to go! Today was a mini-thanksgiving - although really the amount of amazing food served was equal to the real deal - with Mike's mom and dad. Wee Michael is sick sick sick so the C's stayed away and we're going to have a belated Thanksgiving with them once the little trooper is feeling better.
Yippee!! I can knock off another one of my 32 New Things! I whipped up some chocolate lava cakes today using this great recipe. Ice cream on the side is a definite must with this rich dessert. The middle wasn't quite as runny as I would have liked but they were still yummy and I will definitely make them again. Don't worry Jo, I still plan to make a batch for our upcoming dinner!
Tomorrow we are hosting Thanksgiving for my side of our family: ten hungry bellies will be in the kitchen filling their faces with goodness at 4pm. Yep, the Low-fat HA Mashed Potatoes everyone loves are on the menu and of course a big ass turkey (yet to be named) with Giblet Gravy and I mustn't forget the delicious Creamy Broccoli Salad. A plethora of veggies, the Mitchell Secret Stuffing (Mom M shared the secret with me this week - I will have to ask her if it's okay to share it with YOU), a pumpkin salad and a slew of pies will also be served. Just the thought of all of the food leaves me feeling full (or maybe that's the pile of stuffing I filled my belly with this afternoon).
Back to prepping for dinner I go!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!
You had me right up to the pumpkin salad. Wha???? I'm sorry, but that sounds yucky!
I know it sounds gross but it was great! It's not 'really' a salad if you ask me, it's warm pumpkin slices drizzled with a yummy dressing and some other stuff... mom help me out!
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