Breast Cancer is a terrible disease but it is one we can conquer! Education and early detection are key components in the increase of survivors so please take the time to read the information I have pasted below - I've borrowed it directly from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
Facts About Breast Cancer in Canada
- In 2009 22,700 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer
- In 2008 170 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer
- If a women lives to age 90 she has a 1 in 9 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime
- The current 5 year survival rate is 87%
- Know how your breasts normally look and feel.
- Know what changes to look for.
- Look and feel for changes.
- Report any changes to a doctor.
- Go for a free mammogram if you are of the appropriate age, or if recommended by a doctor. By finding breast abnormalities in the early stages, mammograms can save lives. Women at the appropriate age can get a free mammogram through their regional breast screening program.
Knowing how your breasts normally look and feel can help you be aware of changes that should be reported to a doctor. Most breast changes will not be cancer, but still should be discussed with a doctor. Changes to look for include the following:
- Changes to the size or shape of one or both breasts.
- Unusual, persistent pain in the breast or armpit area.
- Swelling under the armpit or below the collarbone.
- Nipple changes, including change in the shape or position of a nipple, or a nipple that becomes pulled inward (inverted).
- Redness.
- Discharge from one or both nipples.
- Lumps or thickening.
- Skin changes, including irritation, rash or scaly skin.
- Dimpling or puckering.

There is more than one way to check your breasts. There is no right or wrong way, and no need to follow a particular routine unless that is what works for you. Choose a way that is comfortable for you:
One way to check both breasts is by moving your middle fingers in small circles from the outside of the breast to the nipple. As pictured, cover the surface of each breast, and also check the areas above and below the breasts, including the armpit.
- Each whole breast.
- Above and below each breast.
- Under both arms.
- Men check the same areas.

Share this information with the women AND men, young and old, in your world!! Prevention is key! Together we CAN fight this battle!
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